Finding slow tests in Go is not straight forward. There’s no built in flag you can pass to go test to get it to tell you which tests are slow, or to output a sorted list of durations. Good news! We can join a few tools together to do the job.

For the below you’ll need to have installed: go, jq, tee, and sort. You’ll likely have most of them if you’re running linux and the rest can be installed relatively easily.

Step 1: Run the tests with verbose json output, without caching.

go test -count=1 -v -json | tee testoutput.txt

Step 2: Extract from that output a sorted list of tests and their elapsed times.

cat testoutput.txt \
  | jq -r 'select(.Action == "pass" and .Test != null) | .Test + "," + (.Elapsed | tostring)' \
  | sort -k2 -n -t,

You should end up with CSV output with two columns, where each row is the name of a test and it’s duration in seconds sorted with the longest tests at the bottom. Something like the following.


You could pipe the tests and extract commands together, but assuming your tests take a while it’s easier to break these up. Saving the output to file before attempting to pipe them to jq allows you to see what’s happening, and if you pipe it directly to jq that tool will consume stdin until the tests are finished and you won’t get any feedback about what is happening.